Otto S.1, Tanasevitch A.V.2 2010. First description of the male of Lepthyphantes lagodekhensis Tanasevitch, 1990 (Arachnida: Aranei: Micronetinae) // Arthropoda Selecta. Vol.19. No.3: 203–206 [in English].

1 University Wuerzburg, Department of Animal Ecology and Tropical Ecology, Biocenter Am Hubland, 97074 Wuerzburg Germany. E-mail:

2 Centre for Forest Ecology and Production, Russian Academy of Sciences, Profsoyuznaya Str. 84/32, Moscow 117997 Russia.

doi: 10.15298/arthsel.19.3.08

KEY WORDS: Spiders, Linyphiidae, Lepthyphantes, Bolyphantes, new combination, Caucasus, Georgia.

ABSTRACT. The male of Lepthyphantes lagodekhensis Tanasevitch, 1990 is described from Georgia (Caucasus) for the first time. The examination of the genital organs of both sexes showed the species actually belongs to Bolyphantes C.L. Koch, 1837, and most similar to the South Siberian B. distichus (Tanasevitch, 1986) and B. distichoides Tanasevitch, 2000.

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