Nefediev P.S.1, Tuf I.H.2, Farzalieva G.Sh.3 2016. Centipedes from urban areas in southwestern Siberia, Russia (Chilopoda). Part 1. Lithobiomorpha // Arthropoda Selecta. Vol.25. No.3: 257–266 [in English].

1 Altai State University, Lenin Avenue, 61, Barnaul 656049 Russia. E-mail:

2 Palacký University, Šlechtitel?, 27, Olomouc 77900, Czech Republic. E-mail:

3 Perm State University, Bukireva Street, 15, Perm 614600 Russia. E-mail:

KEY WORDS: Henicopidae, Lithobiidae, anthropochore, faunistics, introduction, Siberia.

ABSTRACT. The lithobiomorph centipede fauna of urban areas in southwestern Siberia comprises at least eight species from four subgenera, two genera and two families. The following records are new to Russia: Lamyctes (Lamyctes) coeculus (Brölemann, 1889); to the Asian part of Russia: Lithobius (Lithobius) lucifugus L. Koch, 1862; to Siberia: L. (L.) melanops Newport, 1845; or to southwestern Siberia: L. (Monotarsobius) crassipes C.L. Koch, 1862, L. (L.) forficatus (Linnaeus, 1758) and Lamyctes (Lamyctes) emarginatus (Newport, 1844). All of the distributions in the region in question are mapped.

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