Gokhman V.E. 2023. Chromosomes of Symphyta (Hymenoptera): current state and perspectives of research // Russian Entomol. J. Vol.32. No.4: 375–382 [in English].

Moscow State University, Moscow 119234, Russia. E-mail: vegokhman@hotmail.com

doi: 10.15298/rusentj.32.4.02

ABSTRACT. The current state and perspectives of karyotype research on the suborder Symphyta (Hymenoptera), or sawflies and horntails, are discussed. The haploid chromosome number (n) in the studied members of the group can vary from 5 to 35, although the ancestral state of this character is apparently closer to n = 25. Metacentrics and submetacentrics prevail in the karyotypes of the majority of Symphyta, but subtelocentrics and/or acrocentrics are often present in the chromosome sets of species with higher chromosome numbers. In the process of karyotype evolution, most horntails and sawflies retained higher n values, but this variable decreased in the superfamily Tenthredinoidea down to n = 10 and less. Prospective directions of chromosome research of the Symphyta imply a detailed investigation of the karyotype structure of these insects, including preparation of karyograms and morphometric analysis of chromosomes, as well as the chromosome study of horntails and sawflies by using techniques of molecular cytogenetic analysis.

KEY WORDS: Chromosome number, karyotype evolution, lower Hymenoptera, molecular cytogenetics, phylogenetic reconstructions.

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